This delightful bouquet features 10 mixed-color roses, elegantly accented with seasonal fillers in green or white, and carefully wrapped in premium paper for a sophisticated touch. Designed to spread joy and charm, the bouquet ensures freshness and beauty with every bloom. We proudly deliver fresh f..
This delightful combo consists of:
12 Mixed Roses, beautifully arranged in a bouquet with vibrant colors, symbolizing warmth and affection
Yellow Paper Wrapping with a Red Ribbon Bow, adding a touch of elegance and charm to the bouquet
1/2 Kg Black Forest Cake, a deliciously rich and creamy treat..
This lovely combo consists of:
6 Fresh Pink Roses and 6 Fresh Red Roses, beautifully wrapped with pink paper and a red ribbon bow, representing love, admiration, and appreciation
1/2 Kg Chocolate Truffle Cake, a rich and indulgent treat with layers of creamy chocolate, perfect for any celebration