This beautiful combo includes:
20 Fresh Pink Carnations: These vibrant pink carnations are carefully arranged and wrapped with blue paper and tied with a pink ribbon bow. Carnations are a symbol of love and admiration, perfect for any occasion.
1/2 KG Eggless Chocolate Cake: A rich and indulgent e..
This lovely combo includes:
20 Pink Carnations beautifully arranged with seasonal fillers, wrapped in elegant paper. Pink carnations symbolize admiration and affection, making this bouquet a wonderful gift for any special occasion.
1/2 Kg Chocolate Cake, a delicious and decadent treat that pairs p..
This delightful combo includes:
20 Pink Carnations arranged in a stunning bouquet. Pink carnations symbolize admiration and gratitude, making them a thoughtful and elegant gift for any occasion.
1 Kg Chocolate Cake, a rich and indulgent treat, perfect for celebrations or to simply delight someone ..