This beautiful bouquet consists of:
5 Pieces of KitKat Chocolate (12.5g each): A delightful treat for chocolate lovers, adding a sweet touch to the arrangement.
7 Fresh Red Roses: Symbolizing love and passion, these roses bring beauty and elegance to the bouquet.
Nicely Wrapped with Red and White..
This beautiful flower basket contains:
10 Fresh Red Roses: These classic red roses symbolize love and passion, making the arrangement perfect for expressing heartfelt emotions.
4 Pieces of Small Kit Kat: A sweet treat that complements the floral arrangement, offering a delicious snack to accompany..
Indulge in the rich, decadent flavors of our 1 KG Chocolate Kit-Kat Gems Cake. This branded cake features a luscious chocolate base, topped with crunchy KitKat pieces and colorful Gems, adding a delightful texture and burst of sweetness. The cake is round-shaped and covered in smooth, fluffy whipped..
This indulgent 1 Kg Chocolate Flavored Cake is a branded treat, topped with colorful gems chocolates for a vibrant, sweet touch. The cake is covered with Kit-Kat chocolate, adding a crunchy texture to the rich chocolate flavor. Shaped round and finished with a layer of smooth whipped cream, this cak..
This beautiful bouquet features:
30 fresh red roses, symbolizing love and admiration
30 pieces of Kit-Kat chocolate (12.8g each), offering a perfect blend of crispy wafer and smooth chocolate
Nicely arranged in a heart-shaped basket for an elegant and thoughtful presentation. This stunning co..